Fullness of You
Service Description
In a world where ladies diminish their lights, get buried in the graveyard of low self-esteem, and constantly feel that they are not good enough,and therefore have comparison as a menu served everyday, there is a need to orientate and re-orientate ladies on the true reason for their existence –why and how they are really important and their indispensable relevance in contributing to the world and impacting the world. This is a topic that many ladies like to deny and hide because nobody wants to announce that they feel less or that they feel intimidated by another lady who is more successful in her field. What we forget is that there is a process, a journey, and there are steps to actualizing your potential. Rather than sitting around wallowing in self-pity, sinking in low self-esteem, and drowning in self-devaluation, as a lady you need to start serving and utilizing your gifts to bring solutions to the world. You are not here by mistake! If you had no relevance to the world at this point in time, you would have been dead by now or you would never have been born. This Class is your interactive guide to being super sure that you are not here by mistake. It’s a lady’s guide to breaking out of ignorance, competition, and society’s pressures and being who she was destined to be.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
234 808 777 6755
23 Abayomi Abass, Off Governor's Road Ikotun Lagos State Nigeria