About the Book
Enjoying her is a Love Guide read with a relatable everyday approach that helps you see the bigger picture beyond yourself.
We are in a World where there tends to be a lot of focus of "self" and getting ahead of others and sometimes this unhealthy and incomplete self discussion is what makes people very competitive and almost do anything in the negative light to make sure that they look and appear better than their "rivals".
In Enjoying Her, You would learn that the other woman's success is not a hindrance to your progress and that no matter how much you are recognized and successfully known in your field you really would not have gotten there without the help of certain people and going ahead, you still need the help of certain people to reach your destination.
In enjoying her, you will learn that life is bigger than selfish living and that we can DO MORE and DO BETTER when we DO IT TOGETHER.
When you begin to put into practice the principles from "Enjoying Her" you would get to see every other woman doing something great around you and beyond you as a woman doing her best to get the world to where it needs to get to, rather than as a woman coming to attack your progress or one out to dim your light.
Price - N2,000

At first i didn't get it. When i would interact with great women of depth, knowledge and intelligence with great potentials to transform the World feeling low and having low self esteem in the presence of other women.
Because they were working/serving in an organization and they hadn't "Founded" or "Started" an organization or movement, so they felt inferior.
I was bewildered.
So i would be thinking to myself and just be having conversations with myself on how to take this women out of this mess that they have given the world permission to put themselves in.
Who told you the one who started the organization is superior to the one who serves there?
Who told you that purpose is a title and public applause indicates that you are on track?
Who told you that purpose is a destination or that another human being is the definition of purpose?
With my Many Concern for this issue, God partnered with me to produce the answers and the result is this BOOK!
Purpose is in Pieces is a MIND-Reorientation guide about what purpose really is and about how your every day intentional, meaningful living whether you have achieved what you dream or not is Purposeful.
In purpose is in piece, God helps me to help you understand that Purpose is in Pieces and there is isn't necessarily any 'age for purpose'. If you choose to serve God daily, serve your gifts, love people, learn daily, execute what you have learnt, you are well on the way to the different Assignments that God has prepared for You.
Price - N1500

Everytime i had a relationship counseling session either privately or in a closed group, my heart always leaped towards helping those women choose better, become better and Marry BEST. I was never at rest when someone would sound so ignorant or so lost in a relationship or in the choice of a Marriage Partner, so i would have sad moments and discussions with God on how to just make Women MARRY according to HIS Design for them.
It wasn't fun to hear stories in counseling sessions of how one boy dumped one girl or how one brother that almost married one girl suddenly eloped.
The heart ache, the disaster and the distractions that this relationship ignorance was bringing to the life of ladies was causing all harm and no good.
So God decided to Partner with me. He partnered with me in having Monthly Closed Group free WhatsApp Sessions for women, then he produced 2 Premium courses for relationships solutions via Destinydesignworkroom Lifeversity.
"Choosing RIGHT" and the 8-10 weeks long course
"Partners Design" now He is finally releasing a Life Manual in the product of a BOOK to help you get HIS best when it comes to the matter of Relationships!
The Relationship Questionnaire is an extensive and intricate Heart to Heart honest relationship question and answer conversation. In this book we pick out 40 very intimate and important questions that women are usually afraid to ask publicly and we get into the heart of the questions giving answers that are practical and ready to use immediately with tangible and evident fruits!
Price - N2000
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10 Mistakes Women Make

A GIFT for YOU! - It is PREMIUM, It's TRUE, It's FREE, It is all FOR YOU!!!!
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To the Fullness of YOU,Nkechi Emmanuel-LayodeYour Counselor, Everyday.